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what i'm up to.

virgin orbit internship

summer 2018

decided it was time to nudge my way into the aerospace industry by spending my summer with the incredibly talented brand & design team at virgin orbit. i can now check off "work on a rocket" from my bucket list, among many other awesome opportunities!

creative facilitator
insead singapore

april 2018

chosen as one of 6 designers to collaborate with insead school of business in leading design strategy workshops for business executives from around the world. this crash course design thinking workshop was intended to merge the gap between business & design to teach business leaders of our world the importance of approaching problems from a creative angle.

biofabricate conference

december 2017

this december i had the incredible opportunity to travel to brooklyn ny with a few of my artcenter peers to attend the annual conference on bio-based material innovations. we witnessed new materials such as algae as a growing construction material, 3d printed coral to repopulate the dying reefs, genetically coded bacteria as a dying agent, and mycelium based materials galore. to be surrounded by biologists, designers, engineers, and architects passionately creating the future of fabrication, i realized just how important collaboration was to the success of innovation.

ecocouncil junk battle collaboration with TEDx

november 2017

as an active ecocouncil member at artcenter, we collaborated with TEDx to host a mini event to bring awareness to waste. our team collected thrown materials from our school over the course of one week and created a system to allow participants to create customizable flat pack seating solutions out of 100% upcycled materials. 

immersive ecological research in costa rica

august 2017

in august 2017 i was chosen as one of ten students to travel to costa rica to participate in the pacific rim ecoresearch lab in collaboration with tama art university. we spent two weeks in the rain forests of costa rica learning about the rich biodiversity of the area from biologists, ecologists, and conservationists.

we undertook numerous hiking excursions, camped in the jungle, assisted sea turtle laying, rode horseback through the jungle and beach, and partook in biomimicry exercises to study how nature could be integrated into the urban setting.

dedicated gardener

my vegetable plots in my community garden are a daily therapeutic getaway.

women in industrial design forum

july 2017

it was such an honor to participate with and learn from leading female pioneers in the design industry. discussions on equality, workplace practice, and motivation for greatness are just a few of the highlights from the day. eager to continue this event in the years to come!

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